
SchemaSpy Analysis of phase1_v2.1

Generated on Fri Aug 14 16:53 IST 2020.

XML Representation
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Constraints 73
Anomalies 1
Routines 31

Database Properties

Database Type: PostgreSQL - 9.5.2

Schema public

standard public schema


Table / View Children Parents Columns Rows Type Comments
data_source_batch 0 2 4 787 Table

Links analytical batches to data source e.g. SGP, USGS_NGDB, USGS_CMIBS

dic_prep_method 1 0 5 33 Table

Dictionary of sample preparation methods

analyte_determination 0 4 23 2701236 Table

Raw results of geochemical analyses. Reported in the original units.

dic_lith_texture 1 0 5 4 Table

Dictionary of terms to describe the lithological texture of samples e.g. silty, muddy, clayey, sandy. Based on table from Potter et al. 2005 Mud and Mudstones

batch_sample 2 2 4 281143 Table

Linking table to record which samples were batched together

geol_context_provided_by 0 2 4 4443 Table

Linking table between geological context and person - more than one person can contribute to the geological context

dic_lithostrat 1 0 25 24624 Table

Dictionary of lithostratigraphic names, populated from Macrostrat (in Nov 2015, up to lithostrat_id 80624), with subsequent additions in the same format. Columns were adopted directly from Macrostrat, and therefore some may not be directly relevent to SGP - for example concept_id. They are nevertheless retained in case they prove useful for cross-referencing. Table also includes identifiers from national stratigraphic databases i.e. BGS, GSC, and ASUD

craton_terrane 1 0 6 40 Table

Name and type of either craton (e.g. Laurentia) or terrane (e.g. Avalonia).

dic_country 1 2 6 261 Table

Dictionary of countries and seas

dic_biostrat 1 0 5 101 Table

Dictionary of biozones. Not often used - verbatim biostrat is stored in biostrat.

biostrat 1 1 6 402 Table

Biostratigraphical details

storage 1 2 10 22 Table

Where the samples are stored

proxy_published 0 3 9 44018 Table

Published “proxy” results - results that are calculated using original measured data.

alternate_num 0 2 6 22309 Table

Alternate original sample numbers. The same samples are frequently numbered/named in different ways in different publications and institutional collections. A sample may be associated with more than one alternate number.

project 2 1 10 235 Table

Project is a way to link samples together. Each reference work is one project, other kinds of project include e.g. student summer projects, dissertations, field seasons, groups of related reference works etc.

person 9 0 9 1057 Table

A list of people - can be contributors, authors, collectors etc.

project_sample 0 2 4 91757 Table

Links projects with samples.

dic_institution_type 1 0 4 28 Table

Dictionary of institution types, from ODM2 ( with additions

reference_work 9 1 15 189 Table

Reference work, may be published or unpublished.

dic_lithology 1 0 6 74 Table

Dictionary table of lithological terms, based in part on Macrostrat

dic_color 1 0 7 124 Table

Dictionary of colors, with and without Munsell codes, separated into name, qualifier, shade

dic_lith_composition 1 0 5 10 Table

Dictionary of terms to describe the composition of samples e.g. calcareous, siliceous, carbonaceous. Based on table from Potter et al. 2005 Mud and Mudstones

collector 0 2 5 725 Table

Linking table recording the people who were involved in the collecting event

analyte_determination_limits 1 2 9 22432 Table

Detection limits (lower and upper) and analytes for each analysis. Units are the same as reported analytical result.

dic_basin_type 1 0 4 9 Table

Dictionary of basin types

fossil_sample 0 2 6 2920 Table

Table linking samples to fossils, and recording the verbatim fossil name

fossil 1 0 6 116 Table

Fossil names and Paleobiology Database code. Note verbatim fossil information from context sheets is reported on the fossil_sample table, and may not be linked to formal fossil name until later date.

environment 1 0 8 769 Table

Depositional environment details - primarily concerned with water depth, also records whether or not sediments are turbidites

data_source 1 0 5 3 Table

Data sources - large scale separation between, for example, external databases and SGP data (e.g. USGS, CMIBS, SGP)

analysis 1 6 11 2639 Table

Analysis details for a batch i.e. preparation, experimental and analytical methods, who ran the analysis and/or provided the data

author 0 2 6 1001 Table

Links reference_work to person (authors)

sample_provided_by 0 2 4 78786 Table

Linking table between sample and person - more than one person can contribute to the description of the sample

interpreted_age_provided_by 0 2 4 76792 Table

Linking table between interpreted_age and person - more than one person can contribute to the interpreted_age

sed_structure_sample 0 2 4 3009 Table

Linking table for samples and sedimentary structures

basin 1 1 6 244 Table

Information about the basin, prefereably including a basin name (e.g. Taconic Foreland Basin), and a basin type (from dic_basin).

dic_ana_method 1 1 7 83 Table

Dictionary of analytical methods

batch 3 1 8 787 Table

A batch of samples analysed at the same laboratory at roughly the same time. One batch of samples may go through multiple analyses, and samples may be associated with mutiple batches (see batch_sample table)

dic_ics_age 1 0 8 167 Table

Dictionary of International Commission on Stratigraphy, International Chronostratigraphic timescale. See

dic_project_type 1 0 4 10 Table

Dictionary of project types.

dic_analyte 1 0 8 264 Table

Dictionary of chemical analytes

dic_sed_structure 1 0 5 35 Table

Dictionary of sedimentary structures

site 1 4 27 15372 Table

Sites of sample collection

dic_proxy 1 1 7 146 Table

Dictionary of geochemical proxies (e.g. FeHR/FeT)

interpreted_age 1 2 9 76643 Table

The interpreted age of the sample in millions of years, with justification.

institution 3 1 12 352 Table


dic_publication 1 0 8 52 Table

Dictionary of publications - mostly scientific journals.

affiliation 0 2 12 529 Table

Affiliations of people to institutions. A person may be associated with more than one institution.

dic_meta 1 0 10 4 Table

Dictionary of low-temperature metamorphic bins, based roughly on metapelite zones

dic_continent 2 0 2 12 Table

Dictionary of contintents and oceans

geol_age 1 1 7 925 Table

Geological age - verbatim and International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) age

sample 8 8 29 82578 Table

Samples collected for analysis.

collecting_event 2 1 8 15389 Table

Details of sample collection from a particular site, in particular the date of collection. A site can be revisted multiple times.

lithostrat 1 1 7 4048 Table

Reported geological unit (e.g. group, formation or member) - verbatim and with reference to dic_lithostrat

project_citation 0 2 4 183 Table

Linking table for projects and reference works

geol_context 2 4 8 4956 Table

Links lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, depositional environment and age data. Multiple samples from related site/project/paper often have the same combination of these four factors, and may use one geol_context_id.

dic_weathering 1 0 5 7 Table

Dictionary of weathering terms from the International Society for Rock Mechanics (and others)

dic_exp_method 1 1 7 100 Table

Dictionary of experimental methods