
15372 rows


Sites of sample collection


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
site_id serial 10 nextval('site_site_id_seq'::regclass)
collecting_event.site_id site_collecting_event_fkR

PK. Unique identifier for a site. Generated by database

section_name varchar 255 null

Section name, or site name.

site_type varchar 50 null

Site type: outcrop, core, cutting, modern, modern_freshwater, modern_marine

country varchar 2147483647 null dic_country_siteR

FK. Country name from the dic_country table, a dictionary of higher countries and seas, and their ISO codes.

site_desc varchar 4000 null

Description of the site, e.g. 4 km southeast of the Dazhuliushui mine site.

lat_dec numeric 12,10 null

Latitude in decimal degrees.

long_dec numeric 13,10 null

Longitude in decimal degrees.

datum_original varchar 50 null

Geodetic datum for the original latitude and longitude measurement e.g. NAD27, WGS84.

lat_original varchar 50 null

Latitude as reported in original publication or field notes, or provided by the collector.

long_original varchar 50 null

Latitude as reported in original publication or field notes, or provided by the collector.

georef_det_date date 13 null

Date georeferenced, used if no original lat-long provided.

georef_protocol varchar 255 null

Georeferencing protocol e.g. Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide Version 2012-10-08.

uncertainty_in_meters numeric 10,2 null

Radius of uncertainty in meters - takes into account the locality description, map scale, datum, precision and accuracy of the sources used to determine coordinates - see Quick Reference Guide, Wieczorek et al. 2004.

craton_terrane_id int4 10 null
craton_terrane.craton_terrane_id geological_region_site_fkR

FK. ID for the craton or terrane. Links to the craton_terrane table.

basin_id int4 10 null
basin.basin_id basin_site_fkR

FK. ID for the sedimentary basin. Links to the basin table.

site_notes varchar 4000 null

Notes about the site, not part of the description - e.g. source of lat-long, where the site is illustrated.

timestamp_created timestamptz 35,6 now()
timestamp_modified timestamptz 35,6 now()
water_depth_m numeric 8,3 null

Water depth in meters, for modern sediment collections.

sed_rate varchar 225 null

Sedimentation rate, for modern sediment collections. Varchar to accomodate very variable modes of reporting, including ranges.

elevation_m numeric 6,2 null

Elevation in meters.

metamorphic_bin int4 10 null
dic_meta.meta_id dic_meta_site_fkR

FK. ID for the low temperature metamorphic bin. Links to the dic_meta table table.

metamorphic_notes varchar 4000 null

Notes about how the metamorphic bin was determined

state_province varchar 2147483647 null

State or province

county varchar 2147483647 null

County or equivalent

regional_geology_notes varchar 4000 null

Notes about the regional geology. Added to accomodate data from USGS databases

datum varchar 50 null

Datum of the decimal latitude and longitude, where known. May differ from datum_original - in some cases, for example, lat-long has been converted to WGS84.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
site_id Primary key Asc site_id
lat_dec_idx Performance
long_dec_idx Performance
section_name_idx Performance
site_metamorphic_bin_idx Performance Asc metamorphic_bin
site_site_type_idx Performance Asc site_type

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
metachk ((metamorphic_bin = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3])))
