
44018 rows


Published “proxy” results - results that are calculated using original measured data.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
proxy_pub_id serial 10 nextval('proxy_published_proxy_pub_id_seq'::regclass)

PK. Unique identifier for published proxy. Generated by database.

proxy_id int4 10 null
dic_proxy.proxy_id dic_proxy_proxy_published_fkR

FK. ID for the proxy. Links to the dic_proxy table.

proxy_pub_value numeric 10,2 null

Published proxy value.

sample_id int4 10 null
sample.sample_id sample_proxy_published_fkR

FK. ID for the sample. Links to the sample table.

timestamp_created timestamptz 35,6 now()
timestamp_modified timestamptz 35,6 now()
proxy_pub_notes varchar 4000 null

Notes directly relevent to the proxy or the published value

reference_id int4 10 null
reference_work.reference_id reference_work_proxy_published_fkR

FK. Identifier for the reference work where the proxy was published.

citation_notes varchar 4000 null

Notes relevant to the reference work where the proxy was published, e.g. Published in Canfield et al. 2008 only, although original data is from Canfield et al. 2007.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
proxy_pub_id Primary key Asc proxy_pub_id
