
235 rows


Project is a way to link samples together. Each reference work is one project, other kinds of project include e.g. student summer projects, dissertations, field seasons, groups of related reference works etc.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
project_id serial 10 nextval('project_project_id_seq'::regclass)
project_citation.project_id project_project_citation_fkR
project_sample.project_id project_project_samples_fkR

PK. Unique identifier for a project. Generated by database.

project_name varchar 100 null

Name of the project.

project_type varchar 255 null
dic_project_type.project_type dic_project_type_project_fkR

Type of project - e.g. PhD, Published Paper, Summer Project, Lab Project

start_date date 13 null

Start date, ISO format. Often not available, usually only used for lab projects

end_date date 13 null

End date, ISO format. For a reference work, the date of publication/date available online is used.

is_public bool 1 false

Whether the project data can be made public (false by default).

timestamp_created timestamptz 35,6 now()
timestamp_modified timestamptz 35,6 now()
project_desc varchar 4000 null

Description of the project.

project_notes varchar 4000 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
project_id Primary key Asc project_id
project_name_idx Performance
project_project_name_key Must be unique Asc project_name
