
82578 rows


Samples collected for analysis.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
sample_id serial 10 nextval('sample_sample_id_seq'::regclass)
alternate_num.sample_id sample_alternate_num_fkR
batch_sample.sample_id sample_batch_sample_fkR
fossil_sample.sample_id sample_fossil_sample_fkR
interpreted_age.sample_id sample_interpreted_age_fkR
project_sample.sample_id sample_project_samples_fkC
proxy_published.sample_id sample_proxy_published_fkR
sample_provided_by.sample_id sample_sample_provided_by_fkR
sed_structure_sample.sample_id sample_sed_structure_sample_fkR

PK. Unique identifier for a sample. Generated by database

igsn varchar 25 null

International Geo Sample Number, see

original_num varchar 250 null

Original reported/published sample number. Note that the original_num is not necessarily unique.

height_depth_m numeric 7,2 null

Height or depth in meters in the measured section or core.

geol_context_id int4 10 null
geol_context.geol_context_id geol_context_sample_fkR

FK. ID for the geological context. Links to the geol_context table.

storage_id int4 10 null
storage.storage_id storage_sample_fkR

FK. ID for the sample storage location. Links to the storage table.

coll_event_id int4 10 null
collecting_event.coll_event_id collecting_event_sample_fkR

FK. ID for the collecting event. Links to the collecting_event table.

is_standard bool 1 false

Whether a sample is used as a standard in geochemical analyses.

sample_notes varchar 4000 null

Notes about the sample.

timestamp_created timestamptz 35,6 now()
timestamp_modified timestamptz 35,6 now()
uuid uuid 2147483647 gen_random_uuid()

Randomly generated unique identifier.

lith_id int4 10 null
dic_lithology.lith_id dic_lithology_sample_fkR

FK. Reference to dic_lithology, a dictionary of lithology types e.g. shale, mudstone etc.

color_id int4 10 null
dic_color.color_id color_sample_fkR

FK. Reference to color table.

lith_texture_id int4 10 null
dic_lith_texture.lith_texture_id dic_lith_texture_sample_fkR

FK. ID for the lithology texture. Links to dic_lith_texture.

lith_composition_id int4 10 null
dic_lith_composition.lith_composition_id dic_lith_composition_sample_fkR

FK. ID for the lithology composition. Links to the dic_lith_composition table.

is_bioturbated bool 1 null

Whether the sediment is bioturbated.

visible_py_ox bool 1 null

Notes whether visible pyrite oxidation was noted in the field.

ichnofabric_index varchar 50 null

Records the ichnofabric index - generally a scale from 1-6 (see Droser and Bottjer 1986).

weath_grade varchar 5 null
dic_weathering.weath_grade dic_weathering_sample_fkR

FK. ID for weathering grade. Links to the dic_weathering table.

lith_notes varchar 4000 null

Notes about the lithology

min_depth numeric 8,3 null

Minimum depth of sample collection, where a range is specified.

max_depth numeric 8,3 null

Maximum depth of sample collection, where a range is specified.

parent_igsn varchar 25 null

IGSN for parent sample - e.g. the IGSN for a core as a whole.

verbatim_lith varchar 4000 null

Verbatim lithology description, in particular where specified in a published table.

composite_height_m numeric 9,2 null

Composite height/depth in meters, i.e. where multiple sections are put together as one larger section

munsell_code varchar 2147483647 null

Code for color from Munsell Rock Color Chart

usgs_job_id varchar 2147483647 null

From USGS database: Job ID; Laboratory batch identifier assigned by the Sample Control Officer of the analytical laboratory that received the samples as a batch.

submitted_date date 13 null

To accomodate data from USGS database: Date submitted; Date sample was submitted to Sample Control for initial database processing prior to sample prep and analysis.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
sample_id Primary key Asc sample_id
original_num_idx Performance
sample_coll_event_id_idx Performance Asc coll_event_id
sample_color_id_idx Performance Asc color_id
sample_geol_context_id_idx Performance Asc geol_context_id
sample_is_bioturbated_idx Performance Asc is_bioturbated
sample_lith_composition_id_idx Performance Asc lith_composition_id
sample_lith_texture_id_idx Performance Asc lith_texture_id
verbatim_lith_idx Performance
