
22432 rows


Detection limits (lower and upper) and analytes for each analysis. Units are the same as reported analytical result.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
limit_id serial 10 nextval('analyte_determination_limits_limit_id_seq'::regclass)
analyte_determination.limit_id analyte_determination_limit_analyte_determination_fkR

PK. Unique ID for each record describing the analyte determination limits for a each analyte in a batch. Generated by the database

analysis_id int4 10 null
analysis.analysis_id analysis_analyte_determination_limits_fkR

FK. ID for each analysis record. Links to analysis table.

detection_lower_limit numeric 15,8 null

From BGS: This column contains for each analyte the LOWEST level that can be reliably detected using the specified combination of laboratory, analysis method, sample preparation technique.

detection_upper_limit numeric 15,8 null

From BGS: This column contains for each analyte the MAXIMUM level that can be reliably detected using the specified combination of laboratory, analysis method, sample preparation technique.

detection_unit varchar 10 null

The unit of measurement the upper and lower limits are reported in, e.g. wtpct, ppm, permil

timestamp_created timestamptz 35,6 now()
timestamp_modified timestamptz 35,6 now()
analyte_code varchar 200 null
dic_analyte.analyte_code dic_analyte_analyte_determination_limits_fkR
reference_standard varchar 250 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
limit_id Primary key Asc limit_id
analyte_determination_limits_analyte_code_idx Performance Asc analyte_code
analyte_determination_limits_analyte_code_idx1 Performance Asc analyte_code
