
2701236 rows


Raw results of geochemical analyses. Reported in the original units.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
analyte_det_id serial 10 nextval('analyte_determination_analyte_det_id_seq'::regclass)

PK. Unique ID for each analytical result. Generated by database.

determination_unit varchar 10 null

The unit of the measured result e.g. wtpct, ppm, permil.

batch_id int4 10 null
batch_sample.batch_id batch_sample_analyte_determination_fkR

FK. ID for a batch. Links to the batch_sample table.

limit_id int4 10 null
analyte_determination_limits.limit_id analyte_determination_limit_analyte_determination_fkR

FK. ID for analyte_code and determination upper and lower limits. Links to the analyte_determination_limits table.

abundance numeric 17,9 null

Measured result

result_notes varchar 4000 null

Notes about the result

sample_id int4 10 null
batch_sample.sample_id batch_sample_analyte_determination_fkR

FK. ID of the sample. Links to the batch_sample table.

timestamp_created timestamptz 35,6 now()
timestamp_modified timestamptz 35,6 now()
is_below_detection bool 1 false

Whether the result was below the detection limit (see analyte_determination_limit.lower_detection_limit). Note constraint: abundance can only be empty when the result was below or above detection.

uuid uuid 2147483647 gen_random_uuid()

Randomly generated unique identifier

is_public bool 1 false

Whether or not the result is public. False by default.

is_average bool 1 false

Whether or not the result is an average of more than one measurement. False by default.

reference_id int4 10 null
reference_work.reference_id reference_work_analyte_determination_fkR

FK. ID for the reference work where the result was first published. Links to the reference_work table.

reference_notes varchar 4000 null

Notes about the reference work that pertain to this particular result.

is_above_detection bool 1 false

Whether the result was above the detection limit (see analyte_determination_limit.upper_detection_limit). Note constraint: abundance can only be empty when the result was below or above detection.

two_sigma numeric 5,2 null

Two standard deviations from the mean

n int4 10 1

Number of data points included in average, where reported data is an average.

two_se numeric 5,2 null

Two standard error

std_dev numeric 5,2 null

Standard deviation

one_se numeric 5,2 null

One standard error

cv numeric 131089 null

Error correlation

rho numeric 131089 null

Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient/Pearson correlation coefficient


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
analyte_det_id Primary key Asc analyte_det_id
analyte_determination_batch_id_idx Performance Asc batch_id
analyte_determination_limit_id_idx Performance Asc limit_id
analyte_determination_sample_id_idx Performance Asc sample_id

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
abundance_null (((abundance IS NOT NULL) OR (is_above_detection IS NOT NULL) OR (is_below_detection IS NOT NULL)))
abundance_negative (((abundance >= (0)::numeric) OR ((determination_unit)::text = 'permil'::text)))
