
769 rows


Depositional environment details - primarily concerned with water depth, also records whether or not sediments are turbidites


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
env_id serial 10 nextval('environment_env_id_seq'::regclass)
geol_context.env_id environment_geol_context_fkR

PK. Unique identifier for reported environment. Generated by database

env_notes varchar 4000 null

Notes about the depositional environment.

timestamp_created timestamptz 35,6 now()
timestamp_modified timestamptz 35,6 now()
is_turbiditic bool 1 null

Whether the environment was turbiditic.

temp_deg_c numeric 5,2 null

Temperature in celcius, applies to modern environments where water temperature was directly measured.

verbatim_env varchar 250 null

Verbatim depositional environment.

env_bin varchar 2147483647 null

Environmental bin: Inner Shelf (1), Outer Shelf (2) and Basinal (3), Lacustrine (4), Fluvial (5). See Sperling et al. 2015 for description.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
env_id Primary key Asc env_id
environment_env_bin_idx Performance Asc env_bin
verbatim_env_idx Performance

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
envchk (((env_bin)::text = ANY (ARRAY['inner shelf'::text, 'outer shelf'::text, 'basinal'::text, 'lacustrine'::text, 'fluvial'::text])))
