
22309 rows


Alternate original sample numbers. The same samples are frequently numbered/named in different ways in different publications and institutional collections. A sample may be associated with more than one alternate number.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
sample_id int4 10 null
sample.sample_id sample_alternate_num_fkR

PK/FK. ID for a sample, links to the sample table. Part of a composite primary key in this table, along with alternate_num.

alternate_num varchar 50 null

PK/FK. Alternate sample number/name. Part of a composite primary key in this table along with sample_id. Note that alternate_num is not always unique

reference_id int4 10 null
reference_work.reference_id reference_work_alternate_num_fkR

FK. ID for the reference work, for cases where the alternate_num appears in a publication. Links to the reference_work table.

notes varchar 4000 null

Any notes about the alternate_num. Include information about the source of the alternate number, especially if it is not published.

timestamp_created timestamptz 35,6 now()
timestamp_modified timestamptz 35,6 now()


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
alternate_num_id Primary key Asc/Asc sample_id + alternate_num
