
24624 rows


Dictionary of lithostratigraphic names, populated from Macrostrat (in Nov 2015, up to lithostrat_id 80624), with subsequent additions in the same format. Columns were adopted directly from Macrostrat, and therefore some may not be directly relevent to SGP - for example concept_id. They are nevertheless retained in case they prove useful for cross-referencing. Table also includes identifiers from national stratigraphic databases i.e. BGS, GSC, and ASUD


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
strat_id serial 10 nextval('dic_lithostrat_strat_id_seq'::regclass)
lithostrat.strat_id lithostrat_strat_fkR

PK. Unique identifier. Generated by database

strat_name varchar 100 null

From Macrostrat: text, informal unit name

strat_name_long varchar 100 null

text, informal unit name

rank varchar 10 null

From Macrostrat: text, the stratigraphic rank of the unit

macrostrat_id int4 10 null

From Macrostrat where it is known as ‘strat_name_id’: integer, unique identifier for known stratigraphic name (see /defs/strat_names)

concept_id int4 10 null

From Macrostrat: intger, unique identifier for the stratigraphic name concept, which groups variant strat_names for same entity

bed varchar 100 null

From Macrostrat: string, the strat_name of the bed

bed_id int4 10 null

From Macrostrat: integer, the strat_name_id of the bed

mbr varchar 100 null

From Macrostrat: text, lithostratigraphic member

mbr_id int4 10 null

From Macrostrat: integer, the strat_name_id of the member

fm varchar 100 null

From Macrostrat: text, lithostratigraphic formation

fm_id int4 10 null

From Macrostrat: integer, the strat_name_id of the formation

gp varchar 100 null

From Macrostrat: text, lithostratigraphic group

gp_id int4 10 null

From Macrostrat: integer, the strat_name_id of the group

sgp varchar 100 null

From Macrostrat: text, lithostratigraphic supergroup

sgp_id int4 10 null

From Macrostrat: integer, the strat_name_id of the supergroup

b_age numeric 12,6 null

From Macrostrat: number, continuous time age model estimated for initiation, in Myr before present

t_age numeric 12,6 null

From Macrostrat: number, continuous time age model estimated for truncation, in Myr before present

gsc_lexicon varchar 100 null

From Macrostrat: integer, the strat_name_id of the supergroup

t_units int4 10 null
timestamp_created timestamptz 35,6 now()
timestamp_modified timestamptz 35,6 now()
bgs_code varchar 10 null

Identifier from the BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units (https://www.bgs.ac.uk/Lexicon/). Older BGS codes are numerical

asud_stratno int4 10 null

Identifier from the Australian Stratigraphic Units Database (ASUD, https://asud.ga.gov.au/)

is_informal bool 1 null

Whether the name is an informal one e.g. not yet published, colloquial name


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
strat_id Primary key Asc strat_id
dic_lithostrat_lower_idx Performance
dic_lithostrat_strat_name_idx Performance Asc strat_name
dic_lithostrat_strat_name_long_idx Performance Asc strat_name_long
