
352 rows




Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
institution_id serial 10 nextval('institution_inst_id_seq'::regclass)
affiliation.institution_id institution_affiliation_fkR
batch.lab_id institution_batch_fkR
storage.institution_id institution_storage_fkR

PK. Unique identifier for the institution. Generated by database.

institution_name varchar 250 null

Name of the institution.

institution_type varchar 100 null
dic_institution_type.institution_type dic_institution_type_institution_fkR
institution_url varchar 1000 null

Link to institution website.

timestamp_created timestamptz 35,6 now()
timestamp_modified timestamptz 35,6 now()
lat_dec numeric 12,10 null

Decimal latitude of the institution. Cut and paste straight from google maps, no attempt made to determine uncertainty or control level of precision.

long_dec numeric 13,10 null

Decimal longitude of the institution. Cut and paste straight from google maps, no attempt made to determine uncertainty or control level of precision.

country varchar 250 null

Country of the institution.

institution_code varchar 100 null

Acronym or code of the institution e.g. NSF.

parent_institution int4 10 null

ID of the parent institution. Self-reference, link to the institution table.

institution_shorthand varchar 250 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
institution_id Primary key Asc institution_id
institution_institution_name_key Must be unique Asc institution_name
