
264 rows


Dictionary of chemical analytes


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
analyte_code varchar 100 null
analyte_determination_limits.analyte_code dic_analyte_analyte_determination_limits_fkR

PK. Unique identifier for each geochemical analyte. Chemical symbol or accepted code e.g. FeT, Fe-carb, 34S-CAS etc.

analyte_translation varchar 100 null

Short description of the analyte e.g. Iron, Carbonate-associated iron etc.

analyte_desc varchar 255 null

Longer description of the analyte e.g. Carbonate-associated iron (e.g. iron in siderite, iron in ankerite), extracted as the first step in a sequential extraction (method SeqA)

atomic_num int4 10 null

Atomic number for those analytes that are chemical elements

weight numeric 6,3 null

Atomic weight

timestamp_created timestamptz 35,6 now()
timestamp_modified timestamptz 35,6 now()
preferred_unit varchar 100 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
analyte_code Primary key Asc analyte_code
