
4 rows


Dictionary of low-temperature metamorphic bins, based roughly on metapelite zones


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
meta_id serial 10 nextval('dic_meta_meta_id_seq'::regclass)
site.metamorphic_bin dic_meta_site_fkR
meta_name varchar 2147483647 null

Name of the bin, primarily low-temp, low-grade - Diagenetic zone, Epizone, Anchizone.

meta_desc varchar 2147483647 null

General description of the bin

maturity varchar 2147483647 null

Thermal maturity in context of organic matter and hydrocarbon production

biomarkers varchar 2147483647 null

Whether biomarkers are preserved

ki varchar 2147483647 null
cai varchar 2147483647 null
ro varchar 2147483647 null

Vitrinite reflectance. From AAPG: percentage of incident light reflected from the surface of vitrinite particles in a sedimentary rock.

facies varchar 2147483647 null

Metamorphic facies

grade varchar 2147483647 null

Metamorphic grade


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
meta_id Primary key Asc meta_id
