
529 rows


Affiliations of people to institutions. A person may be associated with more than one institution.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
affiliation_id serial 10 nextval('affiliation_affiliation_id_seq'::regclass)

PK. Unique ID for each affiliation. Generated by database.

person_id int4 10 null
person.person_id person_affiliation_fkR

FK. ID for a person. Links to person table.

institution_id int4 10 null
institution.institution_id institution_affiliation_fkR

FK. ID for an institution. Links to institution table

email varchar 255 null

Email address

address varchar 255 null

Street address of the person

person_url varchar 255 null

Link to webpage of the person

phone varchar 50 null

Phone number of the person

start_date date 13 null

Date the person became affiliated with the institution

end_date date 13 null

Date the person left the institution

timestamp_created timestamptz 35,6 now()
timestamp_modified timestamptz 35,6 now()
is_current bool 1 null

Whether affiliation is current. Person can have multiple affiliations over time. Note: collaborators view is populated where is_current is true.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
affiliation_pkey Primary key Asc affiliation_id
affiliation_institution_id_idx Performance Asc institution_id
affiliation_person_id_idx Performance Asc person_id
